Managed Deployment & Premium Support for Field Mapping
The open source, community-driven field mapping coordination tool.
Explore the Features
And try them on the HOTOSM deployment

Community Lead

Built by the community, for the community that wishes to use it.

Open Source

HOT and NAXA are core contributors to the project.

OSM Integration

Map edits can be loaded into OpenStreetMap, with attribution to the user who mapped each feature.

Built on ODK

ODK is an industry leading mobile data collection platform.

Offline Support

Mapping can be carried out offline, then sync when connectivity is restored.


Built on the latest technology with speed in mind.


Designed for mobile and desktop.


Handle new users and scale with horizontally scaling edge functions.


See more information on the HOTOSM website.

See it in Action
Screenshot of homepage
Field Mapping TM was created by HOTOSM in collaboration with NAXA, two organisations specialised in software for geodata.
The goal was to simplify the management and coordination of open mapping campaigns, where data is collected collaboratively in the field.